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How to Support Siblings of Children with Special Needs

How to Support Siblings of Children with Special Needs

Growing up with a sibling who has special needs can be both rewarding and challenging. The siblings of children with special needs often experience a range of emotions and face unique situations that require thoughtful attention and support. Here’s how you can provide...
Tips for Handling Your Child’s Meltdown

Tips for Handling Your Child’s Meltdown

A child’s meltdown can quickly change a peaceful afternoon into a nightmare. New parents may struggle to find the right way to handle the meltdown that decreases its chances of happening in the future. While no child is the same, here are a few great tips that...
What to Understand Before Becoming a Special Education Teacher

What to Understand Before Becoming a Special Education Teacher

As a teacher, you want to make sure that your students are getting the best education possible. But to do this, you need to understand what it takes to become a special education teacher. There is more than meets the eye when it comes to teaching these kids and...