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How to Support Siblings of Children with Special Needs

How to Support Siblings of Children with Special Needs

Growing up with a sibling who has special needs can be both rewarding and challenging. The siblings of children with special needs often experience a range of emotions and face unique situations that require thoughtful attention and support. Here’s how you can provide...
Teaching Children About Inclusion

Teaching Children About Inclusion

One of the most important lessons you will ever teach your child is about inclusion. It’s crucial that your child learns about tolerance and diversity in the world. They need to understand that others may be different than them, but they are just as special....
Hiring More People with Disabilities in 2021

Hiring More People with Disabilities in 2021

In the United States, there are currently more people with disabilities than the population, which makes finding work more difficult. The future of hiring continues to be in the direction of disability inclusion. The White House Office of Social and Disability...
Fostering Independence in Children with Special Needs

Fostering Independence in Children with Special Needs

Parents of special needs children understand the unique challenges. It’s natural to want to provide your children with the best support and protection, however at times, parents can become overprotective. In order for a child to build confidence and gain independence,...