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As school lets out for summer vacation, moods elevate right along with the temperatures. The perfect outdoor weather bodes prime summer activities, including summer camp! All year long, parents can’t wait to get a little vacation while their children make friends and enjoy the true summer camp experience.

While not all summer camps are equipped for special needs, your child will not be prevented from participating in one of the best weeks of their lives. From specialists and nurses to summer staff and volunteers, summer camps for individuals with special needs are waiting in anticipation to assist your child in experiencing a week of a lifetime!

Resist Your Hesitation

When most parents hear of sending their child with special needs to summer camp for the first time, they have major doubts. As a parent, it’s your job to put your child first, above your own needs. Along with that comes a natural desire to protect your child and ensure their safety. When it comes to your child, you know their language, what they want, what they need and more. Why trust a summer camp staff of strangers to watch over your child for an entire week?

Trust the experts here. Camps that accommodate special needs equip themselves with an elite team of summer staff. Many camps require that staff and volunteers go through training to ensure safety for campers no matter what activity they will be participating in.

Encourage New Opportunities

At summer camp, your child no longer will be in their normal routine. While this is a definite challenge, it’s also an opportunity. When your child sees other campers participating, they’re more likely to join in on the fun!

Some of the best summer activities happen at summer camp. Fishing, horseback riding, canoeing, team building, staying in cabins and so much more are all things your child will love about summer camp! The staff is trained in assisting your child each step of the way. While fun is the goal, safety is the priority.

Create Lasting Memories

When you pick your child up after the week of camp is over, you’ll see pure joy on their face. In the weeks (sometimes months) to follow, you’ll hear all about the activities they did at camp, see the crafts they made, and more.

There are plenty of great summer camps for your child to go to across the country. If you’re still unsure, ask your special needs community. Many parents don’t think their child is ready or able to go to summer camp. You’ll be surprised by the lasting impact summer camp will have on your child!