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Supporting the Siblings of Children with Disabilities

Supporting the Siblings of Children with Disabilities

There is nothing quite like having a sibling. From arguments over toys and bathroom time to presenting a unified front to the world, a sibling makes life fun, challenging, and interesting. However, being a sibling to a child with a disability comes with its own sets...
Teaching Social Skills to Children with Disabilities

Teaching Social Skills to Children with Disabilities

Adolescent behavior has been studied for generations, and there are some fundamental challenges that seem to consistently show up in each age group. Social skills obviously vary from one child to the next, and this area has always been an outlier for researchers who...
Disability Representation How-Tos

Disability Representation How-Tos

It’s undeniable that children need to see people like them represented in aspirational positions for them to imagine themselves as successful adults living their best lives. Recently, advertising campaigns have gone out of their way to include children of various...
Great Books for Kids with Disabilities

Great Books for Kids with Disabilities

The push for inclusion and representation in media doesn’t just stop at race or gender — ability is also an important aspect of representation for readers and consumers whose brains and bodies don’t look quite like everyone else’s. If you want to stock up a...
Much Love for Lucas: The First Gerber Baby with Down Syndrome

Much Love for Lucas: The First Gerber Baby with Down Syndrome

“Keep calm, it’s only an extra chromosome” is a popular phase among those with down syndrome and their loved ones. Gerber, a leader in the infant nutrition industry, is known for their trademark logo of a charcoal sketched baby. Since 2010, Gerber has launched a photo...