Autism is a complex spectrum disorder that affects every person differently. Researchers are constantly looking into how animals can help with therapy for people with autism. When thinking about animals to use in therapy, the first thought is likely a dog. However,...
Disabled representation in the fashion industry has been practically non-existent until now. Despite the fact they comprise the third-largest market segment in America, people with disabilities are largely excluded from contemporary fashion design. In order to...
The terms inclusion and diversity are interconnected, however, it is dangerous to behave as if they are the same. Just because you adhere to one does not mean you are adhering to the other. It has been a long road for many companies to overcome their intensely...
In recent years, a growing number of institutions have been doing their part to be more sensory-inclusive and help those with autism, Down’s syndrome, PTSD, and ADHD. Now, Carnival Cruise Line is taking part as well. In an announcement made this month, Carnival...
There is nothing quite like having a sibling. From arguments over toys and bathroom time to presenting a unified front to the world, a sibling makes life fun, challenging, and interesting. However, being a sibling to a child with a disability comes with its own sets...